2 Tutorials
Updated 03/01/16


Installing Subsonic

Installing Subsonic

Installing Subsonic in your server will allow you to stream your music and video files to any device connected to the Internet such as Android, iPhone, and desktop devices. this is a step by step guide of the official Subsonic installation guide using Debian/Ubuntu found here http://www.subsonic.org/pages/installation.jsp#debian  In this tutorial I assume you already have the latest Ubuntu/Debian server already…

Build Your Own Cloud Music Server

Build Your Own Cloud Music Server

Putting your media files in the cloud is hot these days. first, it was amazon.com that came up with the online storage service, then Google came up with their Google Music service, then a few days later Apple announced their iCloud stuff, and I heard rumors recently that BestBuy is getting their cloud service ready as well. the cloud competition…